Our commodity trading journeys start with commodities which are misunderstood. Our deep-value investment journeys start with assets which are out-of-favor. We think our diverse perspective enables us to see these journeys differently than others do.
We use simple and intuitive math-based algorithms to make trading and investment decisions. We compare expected and realized outcomes to make our algorithms more effective. We focus on asset classes within our collective circle of competence.
We engage the management teams of the corporate owners with which we seek to trade and companies in which we seek to invest. We believe our size, independence, and diversity are advantages in engagements with management teams who must act in a manner consistent with their own stated diversity & inclusion principles. We believe the CEO and CFO are responsible for taking corrective action against prolonged dislocations between share price and underlying value.
We include MBEs and members of our traditionally underrepresented communities in our business transactions whenever possible. We actively seek out opportunities to leverage the collective buying and investing power of traditionally underrepresented communities to support a more equitable and sustainable global economy.